News – Tagged "Air Purifiers" – Red Vacuums

News — Air Purifiers

Will an Air Purifier Protect Your Health from COVID-19?

Will an Air Purifier Protect Your Health from COVID-19? 0

 In the midst of the Corona-virus pandemic we receive this question quite often lately. Will an air purifier protect me and my family from COVID-19? The short answer is yes, the long answer is - don't rely solely on air purifiers for full protection. An air purifier will [...]
Oreck Vacuum Repair and Warranty Center near you

Oreck Vacuum Repair and Warranty Center near you 2

Red Vacuums is now an authorized Oreck Dealer and Warranty Center.  We have sold bags and belts for Oreck for a long time, but we now have access to all of their available bags, belts, parts and other cleaning solutions. See if we are the closest Oreck dealer to you, by checking this link and enter your zip code: [...]

Things To Keep In Mind While Choosing Best Air Purifier 0

In the time of increasing allergens in air not only outdoors but indoors too, the need for devices to make the air clean is a necessity rather than a luxury. Nowadays vacuum cleaners with Hepa Filters not only clean your floors but cleanse the air around you as well. However, the much sophisticated device for […]

What Are The Different Types Of Home Air Purifiers And How You Should Select The Best One? 0

The fact that home environments are becoming increasingly polluted and unfit for healthy living is quite well known. This has naturally led to an increase in the demand for devices that help in removing the various pollutants from the air and making it clean and hygienic. Home air purifiers are the most popular of such […]

Maintenance Tips That Can Help Enhance The Life And Performance Of Home Air Purifiers 0

Investing in air purifiers has become a preferred choice for people seeking a cleaner and healthier home environment for their loved ones. However, just owning and using the appliance cannot assure an improved indoor air quality for long. The key to getting the best results over a long period of time is by following a […]