News – Tagged "Air Pollution" – Red Vacuums

News — Air Pollution

Will an Air Purifier Protect Your Health from COVID-19?

Will an Air Purifier Protect Your Health from COVID-19? 0

 In the midst of the Corona-virus pandemic we receive this question quite often lately. Will an air purifier protect me and my family from COVID-19? The short answer is yes, the long answer is - don't rely solely on air purifiers for full protection. An air purifier will [...]
How Vacuum Cleaners Can Change A Dirty Office

How Vacuum Cleaners Can Change A Dirty Office 0

People spend a large amount of our lives at work, but rarely do we give much thought to how our on-the-clock environment might be affecting how we feel around the clock. People make assumptions about you based on the appearance of your office.
Construction Materials Used In Old Homes That Make Air Purification Challenging

Construction Materials Used In Old Homes That Make Air Purification Challenging 0

When it comes to architecture and beauty, many older homes are still a source of inspiration for modern builders. However, despite their appeal, living in many such homes can lead to serious health issues, primarily due to poor quality of air inside them, which even the best modern day air cleaners find challenging to clean. This is primarily because ...
Vacuum Cleaner Store Near Chantilly, Virginia

Vacuum Cleaner Store Near Chantilly, Virginia 0

In the modern times, the high levels of pollution present in the air make it hard to breathe. That is why most households and offices today choose to install air purifiers to maintain a supply of clean breathable air that does not harm our health in any manner. If you intend to buy an air purifier near Chantilly, Virginia, then RED Vacuums is definitely the store you should opt for. The store offers different models of high quality and efficient air purifiers from IQ AIR, which is rated no. 1 by the American Lung Association.
The Relationship Between Air Pollution And Health

The Relationship Between Air Pollution And Health 0

When human beings inhale PM10 particles, they are exposed to diseases of breathing and respiratory systems, damage to lung tissue, cancer, and premature death. People with chronic lung disease, influenza or asthma are particularly ...
Protect Your Body Against The Harmful Effects Of Air Pollution By Using Olive Oil And Fish Oil

Protect Your Body Against The Harmful Effects Of Air Pollution By Using Olive Oil And Fish Oil 0

Over the past several decades, there has been a considerable hue and cry about the increasing level of pollutants being released into the air. Governments the world over and countless NGO’s have been working towards creating awareness amongst the masses about the harmful effects that these pollutants have not only ...