Get Efficient Riccar Cleaner Sale And Service In Vienna With Red Vacuu – Red Vacuums

Get Efficient Riccar Cleaner Sale And Service In Vienna With Red Vacuums


Over the years Riccar has established itself as an efficient and reliable cleaning brand. The Riccar upright vacuums offer best in class performance thanks to their great suction power and better air flow. Although the brand does not provide its cleaners through online sale, users in and around Vienna can purchase the latest and authentic cleaners from Riccar at the Red Vacuums Store.

In addition to selling the different models of brand new Riccar cleaners, Red Vacuums also offers reliable and efficient vacuum repair services for different brands. The store also deals in authentic spares for different brands including vacuum bags, and vacuum filters for users in and around Vienna.

Customers can also avail the following services at Red Vacuums store.

  • Approximation Of Repair Charges: Customers seeking Riccar vacuum repair or repair service for any other brand get free details of the approximate repair charges.
  • Temporary Replacement: Red Vacuums offers its customers with a temporary device to be used as a replacement for their broken down appliance until the later is repaired.
  • Discounts For Old Vacuums: Customers buying a new vacuum from the store can trade in their current appliances to get a maximum discount of $150 on the new appliance.

The details of the three most popular Riccar upright vacuums available at Red Vacuums are as follows.

  1. Riccar Brilliance Premium R30P

Packed with the best features that Riccar is known for, the Riccar Brilliance Premium is designed to offer the multiple benefits of performance, durability and luxury. The cleaner comes fitted with a 12Amp motor with a lifetime belt and hall sensor. The combination of Tandem Air System technology and 7-stage filtration process makes the R30P capable of removing even the tiniest specks of dust and odor with great efficiency.

Riccar Brilliance Premium R30P

The R30P is provided with high quality metal parts in areas of extensive wear and tear to enhance its durability. It diverse tool system makes it perfect for cleaning a wide variety of surfaces in an effortless and hassle free manner.

  1. Riccar Brilliance Deluxe R30D

This is a versatile cleaner from Riccar known for its exceptional performance and latest features. The appliance is powered by a 12 Amp motor and comes fitted with Tandem Air System, multi-stage filtration and a collection of diverse tools for cleaning different surfaces in an efficient manner. The appliance is capable of not only sucking up dust and dirt but also trapping allergens and odors for a completely clean environment.

Riccar Brilliance Deluxe R30D

Riccar R30D comes with a lifetime belt and Hall sensor protection. It is fitted with an aluminum handle tube that features deluxe touch grip and ha metal parts in areas of maximum usage for better durability.

  1. Riccar Retriever Pet Vacuum R30PET

Designed specifically for households with pets, the R30PET is known to remove pet hair and odors with extreme finesse. The 12Amp motor powers the device fitted with granulated charcoal and HEPA media filters to efficiently trap hair, fur, dander, and odor along with the smallest particles of dirt and grime. The appliance is provided with a lifetime belt and Hall sensor system.

Riccar Retriever Pet Vacuum R30 PET

R30PET features 6-position carpet height adjustment system for effective cleaning of diverse surfaces. In addition it is provided with a collection of tools for thorough cleaning of every nook and corner. The metal parts ensure longer life even with extensive wear and tear.

For more information, visit Red Vacuums, the authorized retail and online shopping dealers for Riccar vacuums in and around Vienna at

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