News — Cordless Vacuum

Types of Vacuum Cleaners and Their Uses For Cleaning

Types of Vacuum Cleaners and Their Uses For Cleaning 0

Vacuum cleaners come in many forms, shapes and sizes, with various functionalities, therefore make sure to do some research before buying one. Don't buy a vacuum just because it's ranked high, buy it based on your specific cleaning needs […]

Choosing The Best Vacuum Cleaner Repair For Quality Cleaning 0

Selecting the best vacuum cleaners is important if you want to make sure that your home is as fresh as you want, totally without any dirt and substances. To select smartly, it is effective to do some research before making a must decision. You already know that there are many Vacuum Cleaner options on the […]

Dyson Vacuums: What Makes It So Practical? 0

Are you fed up with your old vacuum cleaner that regularly gets blocked and doesn’t pick half of the dust from your carpet? If you need a product that will do the job properly a Dyson vacuum cleaner might be the right thing for you. Find out what are the advantages of Dyson over other […]

Hoover Vacuums Comes Up With One-Two Punch To Knock Out The Dirt And Stains 0

“Why can’t the house clean itself. It seems to get dirty by itself.”   Well! Everyone of us wishes the same thing almost everyday. Spills and messes are a part of a normal household and there is nothing you could do about it. Be it raining outside or there are family friends visiting you, anything […]

Tripping Over Your Own Cord? The Dyson V6 Cordless Range Sets You Free 0

Tired of the stop and go of cleaning? Watch how the Dyson V6 cordless range provides you Dyson suction power, without the hassle of a cord. Find out more at Dial On : 703-255-3500 Mail Us : Pin It : Like Us : Tweet Us : Share : Browse: […]

Dyson Cordless Vacuum Big Match Clean Up 0

With the Dyson DC59/DC62 vacuum cleaner you can grab the machine from the wall and go. It’s always on standby for those more ‘unpredictable’ cleans. No lugging around the regular vacuum cleaner, no bending down, and no fiddling with plugs. Deal with the mess right away. Dyson DC59/DC62 vacuum cleaner lets you tackle dirt with […]